Once every four years, we have the pleasure of watching numerous nations compete for the highest title in the soccer world. Did you know that the World Cup is the most viewed sporting event around the entire globe? In turn, it also makes it the most profitable, usually for the host country. Being able to host the FIFA World Cup is an honor and not many nations get to say they have. Of the 211 eligible to compete, only 17 countries have hosted the Copa Mundial. What does this mean for those countries? Hosting leads to increased consumerism, tourism, and the general spending of entertainment dollars. It is a large economic boost. So what types of successful selling techniques were used to convey that these countries were worthy of hosting?

Understanding Your Customer’s Decision Making Process

Let’s start by explaining how a country is chosen. I’ll keep this relatively short and simple. 211 members make up the FIFA Congress. Each member can propose candidates(granted there are certain guidelines). For example, it has to be a relatively well-developed country that has the means and capacity to host such an event. It also must be a country that is not located on the same continent as the previous host. For example, this year it was in Russia and 2022 is Qatar. This means that Eurasia wouldn’t be able to host in 2026. Once nations have been nominated, there are a series of votes between the Congress. Each time, they eliminate the country with the least amount of votes and continue the process until there is only one.

Be Creative About Your Value Proposition

Hopefully, you’re as excited as I am that in 2026 the tournament will be on our very own soil. However, this was no easy task. Mexico has hosted twice, the last time in 1986. Canada never has, and the US tried to place a bid for 2022, but hasn’t had any luck since 1994. What has changed that made us the perfect host country? For starters, we are not one, not two, but three different countries hosting. This is the first time in history that a joint bid between 3 countries has taken place. However, the main sales strategy used here is amplifying the value proposition. Just like we do when we sell homes, cars, internet, medical supplies, and everything in between, these members had to make the others see the value that hosting the cup in 3 very diverse countries would bring.

Be Clear About What You’re Bringing To The Table

I believe that your value proposition is singlehandedly the most important piece of your business. You could have the best communication skills in the world, the best prices, and the best team, but if you can’t get anyone to see the value that you bring than success will always be too far away. We are a selfish society by nature. Often times, when we are being pitched to, the first thing out of our mouth is “what’s in it for me?” If we are already asking this question, then it’s a lot harder for our perception to change. Subconsciously, we’ve already decided there’s nothing in it for us. That’s why it’s so important to start with your value proposition. That way when you trial close and ask for an objection, your buyer truly has to think rather than just saying it doesn’t benefit them.

So what value does hosting the World Cup in North America bring to FIFA? Well to start, we are 3 of the most developed nations in the world. Our per capita GDP combined makes it the second highest in the world. Our economies are powered by consumerism. With the World Cup here, we know for a fact that everyone would find a way to be involved in sporting their favorite teams. I know personally, I’ve already started saving money to buy tickets for at least two games. Specific to the US, our service industry is booming and since we are a melting pot, there are an endless amount of options for dining and activities. This fact alone makes it perfect for hosting the endless amount of tourists who will flock west for the summer.

Amplifying Your Value Proposition By Leveraging Strong Partnerships

Along with understanding their value proposition, it was crucial for North America to show unity. In sales, relationships are extremely critical. Regardless of your beliefs, there is no denying that we have been divided not only as a nation but with other nations as well. There has been a lot of controversy between the North American countries. I believe that Canada, Mexico, and the United States knew that, in order to remain powerful, they needed to show that they were in fact – united. Bidding as a team instead of against each other showed their commitment to stand together even when times get tough. There is strength in numbers and combined they were able to convey a unique value proposition. They used relationship cultivation between themselves in their sales strategy to reel in the world’s most-watched sporting event.

Unfortunately, there is no way to know what exactly the members of the FIFA Congress said to make them believe in our bid. What we do know for certain is that it worked! I am so excited to have this once in a lifetime experience at home. Here’s to 2026! Be ready for lots of tourism and traffic!

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below!