Ankur Sangwan

Ankur Sangwan

After working for almost 9 years in different industries, I am now a full-time MBA (marketing) student in India, who has got a fair understanding of various domains and functional areas of corporates. During my work experience, I have done a real-life juggling between the roles of an FMCG sales executive in a start-up, to a business development associate in a big four auditing firm. The customer-facing roles in product and service industries taught me the nuances of marketing and sales. I actively participate in events and seminars related to startup consulting, analyzing and advising on the real-world business problems and strategizing the optimal solutions considering various stakeholders.

Posts By Ankur Sangwan

Mind Matters

Finding Purpose in Work: Defiance or Personal Maturation?

Ankur Sangwan July 11, 2018

One is always exploited through fear. Fear is rooted deep in our childhood experiences and moves us subconsciously. I believe that there is a correlation between fear and the amount of power a person seeks. If we consider this statement in cross-cultural phenomena, we can derive it to state that societies maintaining high distance feel […]

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