Andrew Naudin

Andrew Naudin

Andrew Naudin is a sales management professional, with experience in service and technical industries, leading dynamic sales teams focused on relationship-selling. Experienced in B2B and direct sales, including several years of sales management experience for SaaS platforms. With a background in technology with SaaS sales and technical sales in both international and domestic markets. Specializing in client relationship management and business development, prospecting, qualifying and closing business with a consistent record of exceeding targets, improving retention, expanding market share, and increasing sales revenues. In my opinion, you should become a trusted consultant and resource. Solutions have to solve for problems people care about.

Posts By Andrew Naudin


The Key Differences Between Inside Sales vs Outside Sales

Andrew Naudin April 23, 2020

Here’s What You Need To Know About The Inside Sales and Outside Sales Roles The outfield, in cricket and baseball, is the area in the field of play furthest from the batsman or batter relative to their counterparts playing infield. In soccer, the outfield players are positioned outside the goal area. As companies seek to […]

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